Alabama Governor Kay Ivey visits Polymer Industries

Alabama Governor Kay Ivey visits Polymer Industries

Polymer Industries presented Governor Ivey with a replica of the Great Seal of Alabama manufactured at the plant. Pictured (L-R) Deborah Ragsdale, IAPD President, Jacob Daniels, Inventory Manager, Governor Ivey, and Andy Saigal, President, Polymer Industries.

Henagar, Alabama, September 27, 2021 – Governor Kay Ivey was invited by Polymer Industries and the International Association of Plastic Distribution to tour the high-performance plastics manufacturer located in Henagar, AL on her most recent trip to North Alabama. Her tour of the facility allowed Governor Ivey to see the latest manufacturing technology for high-performance plastics and see how the products manufactured here in Alabama are used in numerous markets across the world for infrastructure, municipalities and manufacturing. 

Deborah Ragsdale, Polymer Industries Director of Relations and also President of IAPD, stressed the importance of high-performance plastics being represented in the upcoming Open Competition Bill. “There are less expensive alternatives to concrete and steel such as pipe grade materials for infrastructure. High-performance plastic products are used worldwide in the top manufacturing, transportation, and construction projects across the country.” Ragsdale informed the governor that Polymer Industries has a closed-loop recycling commitment to make sure nothing we manufacture ends up in landfills or the ocean.

“It was an honor and privilege to have Governor Ivey visit our plant and learn more about the important role of performance plastics and our commitment to sustainability for the future of our environment,” said Rohit Saigal, Polymer Industries Vice-President of Sales and Marketing.