Hanes to Receive Conservative Award

Hanes to Receive Conservative Award

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Jackson County, AL – State Representative Tommy Hanes is excited to announce that The American Conservative Union has decided to present an award to him due to his consistent Conservative voting record. The influential group, also known as CPAC, is best known for its annual conferences that feature high-profile Conservatives like Rand Paul, Ron DeSantis, Ted Cruz, and President Donald Trump.  

CPAC only gives out awards to lawmakers who score above 80% on their scorecard. Representative Hanes, best known for his conservative political positions, is grateful to receive such an honor.  

“The American Conservative Union is probably the most respected national conservative organization there is, and I’m honored to receive such an award,” he said. “I accept it on behalf of the people of my district, who I fight for every day.  To me, conservatism means being for the people, and it is for this reason that I feel doubly honored.” 

Hanes went on to say how he fought for the working class by opposing the gas tax, as well as working to preserve historical monuments, led the fight against vaccine mandates, and introduced legislation to outlaw the Chinese Communist Party from having influence in our schools.

“Every day our values and way of life are threatened, not just by Democrats, but by liberals and moderates in our own party. So I thank the American Conservative Union for what it stands for, as well as the people of my district for allowing me to represent them.” 

CPAC and their awards ceremonies will be taking place on February 26, 2022, in Orlando Florida, where President Trump is expected to headline.