Have a Heart for RJ Fundraiser

Have a Heart for RJ Fundraiser

By B.A. Little, Reporter • beverlyannette@southerntorch.com

JACKSON COUNTY, Ala. — RJ, the son The Jackson County Sheriff Department’s Lt. Holcomb, is currently at UAB awaiting a heart transplant. All proceeds will go to the Holcomb family to help with expenses during RJ’s hospital stay and surgery. The auction will be held on Friday, February 14 the Courthouse 1st floor and bids will run from 9 AM until 2 PM.  For more information and to donate, call Kim Rice at 256-574-2610.

RJ was born with a complex congenital heart defect. Even with amazing efforts from his surgeons to mend his special heart, his heart has gone into advanced heart failure and he will require a heart transplant. This will put a lot of stress on his family not only financially but physically and emotionally as one of his parents will have to be with him at the hospital and the other will be home working and caring for his siblings. Currently, RJ may be waiting, in the hospital. 4-6 months for a transplant and after the transplant he will be required to stay within 30 minutes of the hospital for an additional 4-6 months. 

Read about this family’s journey and ways that you can help on Facebook “RJ’s Journey-Conquering CHD.”