HMC to Continue Mask Requirement

HMC to Continue Mask Requirement

By Jackson Blaze Staff

JACKSON COUNTY, Ala. — Following the expiration of the State of Alabama’s mask mandate on April 9, Highlands Medical Center in Scottsboro will continue to require staff, patients, and visitors to wear a mask inside facilities.

According to the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), masks remain one of the most effective tools to help reduce the spread of COVID-19. The now-expired health order defines “mask” as any covering that covers both the nose and mouth. Exceptions for the order include practical necessities defined by the Alabama Department of Public Health, some exercise, and voting or religious worship, though masks are encouraged in all of these scenarios as well. 

“Safety is our top priority at Highlands,” said Chief Medical Officer Dr. Lonnie Albin. “Wearing masks has shown to be effective in helping reduce the spread of COVID-19. We are thankful the spread of the virus has slowed down in our state, and will continue to do what we can to help this trend continue.”

At the time of press, Jackson County had 6,755 total cases of the novel coronavirus since last March. 110 deaths have been reported in the county.