Funding, Representation at stake for Jackson Co. in Census

Funding, Representation at stake for Jackson Co. in Census

By Dylan Smith, JB Managing Editor •

SCOTTSBORO, Ala. — According to the U.S. Census Bureau Jackson County currently holds a 51.1% response rate in household census participation, which is lower than both the state and national rate. 

Data received from census respondents will be used in the allocation of billions in federal dollars. Local education programs, crucial services, and infrastructure items are tied directly to this funding. 

Emergency services, highways, school lunches, SNAP benefits, mental health services, Medicaid, and Head Start are all items that are funded using census data. 

Participation is also crucial concerning economic development as industry uses census statistics to determine where to bring business. These numbers also assist in determining where new health clinics are needed. 

Alongside collecting information for funding purposes, population data determines the reapportionment of congressional representation. As it currently stands, Alabama is in jeopardy of losing at least one congressional seat.

It is possible that without the full participation, Jackson County could potentially lose out on critical federal dollars that shape the future of our community. 

In order to preserve funding for essential services and maintain Alabama’s representation in Congress, it is incumbent upon each and every citizen to take a few minutes and complete the census questionnaire.

Do your part today and complete the 2020 United States Census at Encourage friends and family to fulfill their civic duty and participate as well.