Jackson Co. Completes First Project for Rebuild Alabama

Jackson Co. Completes First Project for Rebuild Alabama

By Zach Hester, Reporterzach@southerntorch.com

JACKSON COUNTY, Ala. — The first “Rebuild Alabama” project in Jackson County has been completed.

According to Jackson County Engineer Jonathan Campbell, the completed project was HMA Resurfacing on County Road (CR) 90 in Bryant. 

“Jackson County has more projects planned,” said Campbell. “As always, we are very appreciative of our continued support of our local and state leaders making these improvements possible for Jackson County.” 

According to a quick sheet provided by Campbell, Jackson County is estimated to gain $988,991 in revenue for infrastructure projects completed under the Rebuild Alabama Act, upon its full implementation.

The act, which was adopted in 2019, contained an initial 6-cent increase in gasoline on September 1, 2019, with additional two-cent increases on October 1, 2020 and October 1, 2021. Vehicle registration fees for hybrid and battery-operated vehicles were also increased under the act. 

The new revenues are required to be used for “preservation, improvement or maintenance of transportation infrastructure, matching funds for federal road or bridge projects, payment of debt for road and bridge projects, and joint projects with one or more adjoining counties, or with cities, or with cities and counties.”

25% of new revenues from the Rebuild Alabama Act go directly to county governments.

For a full breakdown of estimated additional revenues that will be received by local governments across the State of Alabama upon full implementation of the Rebuild Alabama Act, visit alabamacounties.org/rebuildal.