King: "I will put progress before politics"

King: "I will put progress before politics"

By Dylan Smith, Managing Editor •

Scottsboro, Ala. – The Jackson County Board of Education recently announced the purchase of the spec building and 30 acres of land located at the Jackson County industrial park. The purchase was approved by the JCBOE with only one board member voting against the acquisition, Charles West.

Robbie King, Republican candidate for the Board of Education responded to his opponent’s vote to deny the purchase.

“We need leaders who will put our students first,” said King. “This purchase will not only provide workforce development opportunities for our students but will also position our county to recruit industry and create jobs.”

Superintendent Kevin Dukes believes the building and location will house technical training programs that offer students the opportunity to learn essential workforce skills that are in high demand.

King continues, “Jackson County students deserve board members who are forward-thinking and are willing to do the right thing. Our county has so much potential to grow and prepare our students for the workforce. As a board member, I pledge to be a leader for our students.”

Robbie King, whose wife is an educator and children are students in the county school system, points to his family as his willingness to serve.

“Our children deserve the best education we can provide them. Our school system must give them every opportunity to succeed,” says King. “Now is the time to tap into the unlimited potential of the students. With projects such as this, our county is investing in the future of each child in our school system. This will allow Jackson County students to compete with others in a competitive job market. The future is bright, and we need leaders who are willing to fight for it. If elected, I will put progress over politics and be a champion for our students.”