Ex-Scottsboro Officer Out of Jail

Ex-Scottsboro Officer Out of Jail

David Hall

On Friday, a judge ruled in a hearing that the revocation of Ryan Manning’s bond was not needed and that the three days he spent in jail were enough.

This was former Scottsboro police officer Ryan Manning’s second arrest, this time for harassing his estranged wife.

Manning was charged with domestic violence after sending a series of texts to his estranged wife. His attorney disputed the charge, claiming the texts do not qualify as harassment. 

Manning’s first arrest came in December 2021 for domestic violence and willful abuse of a child. He is accused of breaking several of his infant daughter’s bones. In that case, he has plead not guilty and was out on bond at the time of his second arrest.

The judge modified Manning’s current bond so that he may have no contact with his estranged wife. He also must submit to electronic monitoring and regular drug testing. Manning can leave his house, however, only with permission from a community correlations officer.